Counterfeiting is the practice of manufacturing
goods, often of inferior quality, and selling them under a brand name without
the brand owner’s authorization. Generally, counterfeit goods are sold under a
trademark that is identical to or substantially indistinguishable from the
brand owner's trademark for the same goods, without the approval or
oversight of the trademark owner. Many well-known brands, spanning various
industries, are victims of counterfeiting. Counterfeiting can be
distinguished from traditional trademark infringement or passing off, which
involves the use of confusingly similar trademarks or service marks on or in
association with similar—as opposed to fake—products or services. The manufacturing of counterfeits is most prevalent
in developing countries with a strong, inexpensive manufacturing
capability, including many nations throughout Asia (such as China and
Taiwan), although counterfeit goods are sold around the globe.
Counterfeits are manufactured to a lesser degree in developed countries.